It's been awhile since I have taken time to sit down and blog. Usually it is just about my kids and their pictures. I am going to change it up a bit and start adding a little bit of life in there. A week ago today we learned that we are having a little boy. I was convinced that this was a little girl I have been feeling for years. This would have meant I am done. Apparently there was a little boy that needed a family and we are tickled to have him. The boys in our family are severely out numbered (right now our count is 7 girls, two boys, parents not included). We had to travel to Utah this weekend for another court hearing. I admit sometimes my faith lags greatly when we struggle through these and wonder if why we have to endure these types of things, but my Dad reminded me today what Joseph Smith was told in Doctrine and Covenants 121. Let's hope I don't ever have to be as Job. I don't say thank you enough in my life. I want all of my friends to know how much I love them and appreciate them. To my family.....I am not sure where to even start. My sister for her unfailing love and time and her hubby for his support. To my brother's and sister-in-law who knowing that they love me in spite of me gives me added strength. To my Mom and Dad.....there aren't words enough to express all that I want you to know. My Mom for teaching me what a real mom is and never backing down in doing what is right. My Dad for quietly listening and always always being a rock for me. They have together taught me the true meaning of love, patience, and strength no matter what. But mostly they gave me the gospel and the foundation that I know God loves me. To my cousins, Amy and Anna, words can't express how much I value their love and friendship. I will always be grateful for our Mother's who made our relationship's possible. To my kids who love me unconditionally. Lastly to the man I call husband. I never in my wildest dreams thougtht love like ours exsisted. Chad, I love you, you complete me and lift me up every day of my life. I am so thankful to your Mom and Dad who raised you to be the man you are and for their unfailing love and support of both of us. I love you both so much.
Lastly, I want to thank my Heavenly Father for the gospel. For his Son, Jesus, who sacrificed for me. I know God lives and I know without a doubt that He loves each of us. Lately especially I have learned and continue to learn and relearn that He never leaves us, it is only us that can leave Him.
I am going to post a bunch of new pictures and try to add some other things as I can.
15 years ago
I saw your comment on Pam's blog. I am so happy you have a blog. How did I not know this sooner? I love that I can now keep track of your family! Oh and congrats on the little one!