Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's happening!

It's been really crazy around here with the last few weeks of school and I have had to be off my feet as much as possible. I have TONS of really good pictures to post for everyone to see and hopefully I will get it done before the baby gets here. I am 9 days from 36 weeks. Once we get there the Doc will let the baby come, since it will be safe enough for him and more likely he won't need the NICU. Keep watching adn I'll be adding as many pictures as I can.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Mom

On this Mother's Day, as I have contemplated the joys of being a Mom, I have thought a lot about my own Mom. I have been blessed to have a Mom who truly put myself and my siblings first in everything. Even now when the chips are down and I struggle, my Mom is quick to offer help or try and help me see the positive. I am the Mother that I am today because of the Mom that she has been to me. I have learned so much at her hands. I have learned to cook, clean, sew, canning, and many other things. But by far the greatest things I have learned from my Mom are of a spiritual nature; I have learned love, compassion, true service, and selflessness. I have seen my Mom give without a thought for herself. I have been one to whom she has given so freely. She is a wonderful Mother, and Grandmother. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!