Wednesday, January 7, 2009

King of the Hill

Savannah, Anna and Kimi enjoyed playing King of the Hill on the huge mound of snow in Grammie Birch's yard. It took awhile to get everyone warmed up afterward.

Christmas Concert

Kimi and Rose looked adorable during their Christmas concert. They sang beautifully and looked radiant. They are such talented girls.

Her Magesty

You wouldn't know from looking at this picture that her Majesty spent the better part of the entire day throwing up. She was undressed because she had already gone through three pair of pajamas at this point. Ellie made a miraculous recovery just in time to pose and fight going to bed.

Such Beauty

Celia being her typical teen self was making her best face for the camera.

Enjoying Church

Ellie was busy borrowing a purse and accessories from a gal in our ward during Sunday School class. I was really glad I had my camera handy. She is ALL girl!!

Ross Halloween

Halloween with the Ross Clan....yes there are two extra kids in this picture!

Rice Bandits

We heard quite a commotion in the kitchen and came in to find Levi and Ellie dumping and playing in our 5 pound box of minute rice. We had to laugh or we would have had to holler.

Great Grandma Woolf's Birthday

Just wanted to add some pictures that are from the last six months or so. On Great Grandma Woolf''s birthday all of the family all over sent balloons afloat at the same time so that we could celebrate her birthday all over the country.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Bubba saw Ellie getting her picture taken and couldn't be out done. He was all dressed up waiting for Auntie to come and get him to play. He drove us nuts for two hours, asking us if Auntie was coming and telling us he was going to be late.


Ellie probably has ten different blankets in her room but she has two that look like this one. She kept looking for it today. Rose and Kimi where folding clothes and she spied it in the basket. She started squealing and yelling, "Blankie!" She grabbed it and pulled it around her and ran around with it repeating blankie over and over. She looks like a total angel.


Ellie and Jeremy have become the best of friends. She squeals with delight when she sees him. She calls him "Bearmee." When he goes downstairs, she will stand at the top and yell, "Bearmee, come me" with her arms outstreched.

Such a Tween!!

Everytime I look at Jani I can't believe how fast she is growing. She is constantly at my side. I love my talks with her. She is such a great kid. Those braces complete the totally "tween" look since she started Junior High this year.